
A tunable diode laser absorption sensor near 2.7 µm, based on 1f-normalized wavelength-modulation spectroscopy with second-harmonic detection (WMS-2f), was developed to measure CO2 concentration in harsh combustion flows. Wavelength selection at 3733.48 cm−1 exploited the overlap of two CO2 transitions in the ν1 + ν3 vibrational band at 3733.468 cm−1 and 3733.498 cm−1. Primary factors influencing wavelength selection were isolation and strength of the CO2 absorption lines relative to infrared water absorption at elevated pressures and temperatures. The HITEMP 2010 database was used to model the combined CO2 and H2O absorption spectra, and key line-strength and line-broadening spectroscopic parameters were verified by high-temperature static cell measurements. To validate the accuracy and precision of the WMS-based sensor, measurements of CO2 concentration were carried out in non-reactive shock-tube experiments (P ∼ 3–12 atm, T ∼ 1000–2600 K). The laser was then free-space fiber-coupled with a zirconium fluoride single-mode fiber for remote light delivery to harsh combustion environments, and demonstrated on an ethylene/air pulse detonation combustor at pressures up to 10 atm and temperatures up to 2500 K. To our knowledge, this work represents the first time-resolved in-stream measurements of CO2 concentration in a detonation-based engine.

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