
Since 1981, when eye movements of the human fetus were first reported, the study of fetal eye movements has increased, mainly focusing on the ontogenesis of eye movements and as one parameter of behavioral states. Using real-time ultrasound, fetal eye movements can be clearly observed from 14 weeks of gestational age. Fetal eye movements may be described in terms of their pattern, frequency and incidence of periods containing eye movements and no eye movements. Furthermore, the relationship of eye movements to other behaviors may be used to give information on the integration of central nervous system function. A picture of normal fetal eye movements can be constructed and used to detect abnormalities in eye movements which can indicate underlying abnormalities of the central nervous system. This paper concludes that, although in its early stages, the study of fetal eye movements holds promise for a greater understanding of brain development and the assessment of the condition of the fetus.

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