
Some approaches to dramatic festivity, especially processions, Meg Twycross Households and fraternities: festive drama at Christmas in aristocratic households, Peter H. Greenfield Christmas at the inns of court, Olga Horner rituals of exclusion - feasts and plays of the English religious fraternities, Sheila Lindenbaum festive profit and ideological production - Le Jeu de Saint Nicolas, Claire Sponsler. Religious processions and plays: Palm Sunday prophets, Mary Erler masks in the medieval penninsula theatre, Ronald E. Surtz Holy Week performances of the passion in Spain - connections with medieval European drama, Rafael Portillo and Manuel J. Gomez Lara the festa d'elx - civic devotion, display and identity, Pamela M. King The Auto Da Fe as medival drama. Secular processions and shows: forms and their uses - the Antwerp Ommegangen 1550-1700, John Cartwright Chester's Midsummer show - creation and adaption The Wells show of 1607, James Stokes. Shrovetide and carnival - farce and fastnachtspeil: the bishop of fools and his feasts in Lille, Alan E. Knight battles and bottles - Shrovetide performances in the low countries c1350-c1550, Marjoke de Roos why a peasant is taught how to shoot: - rhetoricians, militiamen and a late medieval Dutch farce, Femke Kramer mankind - and English Fastnachtspeil?, Tom Pettitt two carnival plays from late-medieval Denmark, Leif Sondergaard analyzing French farce and Dutch pre-Renaissance comic drama Wim Husken Fastnachtspeil et recit bref - L'Interference de deux genres litteraires en Allemagne aux 15e et 16e siecles, Jean-Marc Pastre. Folk customs and characters: Hocktide - a reasessment of a popular pre-reformation drama, Sally-Beth MacLean Slawpase from the Myln-Whele - seeing between the lines, Malcolm Jones the medieval English and French Shepherd's plays, Christine Richardson The old Czech apothecary as clown and symbol, Jarmilla F. Veltrusky. Epilogue: carnival's end - puritan ideology and the decline of English provincial theatre, John Coldewey.

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