
It is established that ferum concretions can be observed in 60 % area of Lviv’s oblast’s and represented by brown spots, pseudophybras, ortsteins, ortzanders, nodules, layers of marsh ore. In acidic unsaturated soils of Male Polissya, Nadsanya, Precarpathians ferum concretions is the basis for diagnosing soil-forming processes and their genesis. The main factor of ferum concretions formation is the dynamics of oxidation-reducing potential. Fe-Mn pedofetures (ortsteins) dominated in the sodpodzolic gleyed soils of Malogo Pollisya, Nadsanya and in the sod-podzolic pseudogleyed soils of the Precarpathians. Their profile distribution and morphological features. Were established nodules (solid concretions of a dark brown color with a gray tint, irregular shape and with diffuse outlines) were diagnosed within the EI horizon of the brown-podzolic soil of the Precarpathians. Found features of nodules testify about the genesis of in situ. Sod glesish soils of Male Polissya, Precarpathians, valleys Pasmovogo Pobyzzya are characterized by ferum concretions of a dense consistency, a dark brown color with diffuse outlines, which are formed in horizons with long saturation of water due to cementation with soil material of oxides Fe, Al, Mn, Si. Ferum concretions are characterized by maximum accumulation of iron compound (Кх=7,21). Ortzanders and pseudophybras - glandular hydrogenated cemented neoplasms formed are within the profi les of sod pinewood soils of Male Polissya, Nadsanya which were formed on the water-glacial deposits and sod soils in the Davudiv range, formed on Neogene sands on the conditions of high level ironization of ground water and pulsating regime. Little attention is paid to the study of ferum concretions in the soils, which is a significant disadvantage in the study of the genesis of hydromorphic soils. In order to establish the genetic nature, of ferum concretions it is advisable to use modern methods of scanning electronic microscopy, mineralogical and micromorphological studies. Key words: ferum concretions, Fe-Mn pedofetures, ortsteins, nodules, soils.

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