
Objective: Infertile women are confronted with many difficulties during the treatment process, which require significant psychological adjustments. The level of infertility adjustment is only evaluated by using the Fertility Adjustment Scale (FAS), which is originally developed with English speaking populations. The objective of this study was translated and test psychometric properties of the Turkish version of FAS (T-FAS). Material and Methods: This methodological study was conducted with 240 infertile women in the infertility center of a university hospital in Turkey. The validity of the T-FAS was investigated by using Content Validity Indexing and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Also, Cronbach's alpha coefficients for reliability were used. Results: The content validity of the T-FAS was good according to Content Validity Index score (0.89). A two-component structure was extracted from factor analysis. Cronbach's alpha of 0.81 showed moderate reliability while the stuck into having children and acceptation of life without children? subscales showed Cronbach's alphas of 0.80 and 0.71, respectively. Conclusion: The results supported the content and construct validity and reliability of the T-FAS for use with measuring infertility adjustment in a population of Turkish women. Evaluating infertile women? perception of adjustment with the T-FAS may be useful in clinical studies in Turkey. T-FAS can be used by health care professional as a counseling tool to help guide women.

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