
The 139La and 63,65Cu resonance in the broad NMR spectrum of ferromagnetic La4Ba2Cu2O10 was investigated below Tc = 5.0 K. The electric field gradient and the anisotropic hyperfine field of Cu can be described by a hole localized in the dx2−y2 orbital. The ferromagnetic coupling results from the orthogonal Cu orbitals in the c-plane of the tetragonal structure. From the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization and the large Suhl-Nakamura interaction we conclude that the system is a two-dimensional ferromagnet with an exchange constant J = 13.5(10) K and an anisotropy field BA = 120(20) mT perpendicular to the ferromagnetic planes. The large transferred hyperfine field for La (Bhf = 6.15(5)) indicates a considerable ferromagnetic coupling along the c-axis.

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