
Multiplex networks consist of a fixed set of nodes connected by several sets of edges which are generated separately and correspond to different networks (“layers”). Here, a simple variant of the Ising model on multiplex networks with two layers is considered, with spins located in the nodes and edges corresponding to ferromagnetic interactions between them. Critical temperatures for the ferromagnetic transition are evaluated for the layers in the form of random Erdös–Rényi graphs or heterogeneous scale-free networks using the mean-field approximation and the replica method, from the replica symmetric solution. Both methods require the use of different “partial” magnetizations, associated with different layers of the multiplex network, and yield qualitatively similar results. If the layers are strongly heterogeneous the critical temperature differs noticeably from that for the Ising model on a network being a superposition of the two layers, evaluated in the mean-field approximation neglecting the effect of the underlying multiplex structure on the correlations between the degrees of nodes. The critical temperature evaluated from the replica symmetric solution depends sensitively on the correlations between the degrees of nodes in different layers and shows satisfactory quantitative agreement with that obtained from Monte Carlo simulations. The critical behavior of the magnetization for the model with strongly heterogeneous layers can depend on the distributions of the degrees of nodes and is then determined by the properties of the most heterogeneous layer.

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