
We study magnetic properties of the half-filled Hubbard model on the two-dimensional hexagonal golden-mean tiling. We find that the vertex model of the tiling is bipartite, with a sublattice imbalance of $\sqrt{5}/(6\tau^3)$ (where $\tau$ is the golden mean), and that the non-interacting tight-binding model gives macroscopically degenerate states at $E=0$. We clarify that each sublattice has specific types of confined states, which in turn leads to an interesting spatial pattern in the local magnetizations in the weak coupling regime. Furthermore, this allows us to analytically obtain the lower bound on the fraction of the confined states as $(\tau+9)/(6\tau^6)\sim 0.0986$, which is conjectured to be the exact fraction. These results imply that a ferrimagnetically ordered state is realized even in the weak coupling limit. The introduction of the Coulomb interaction lifts the macroscopic degeneracy at the Fermi level, and induces finite staggered magnetization as well as uniform magnetization. Likewise, the spatial distribution of the magnetizations continuously changes with increasing interaction strength. The crossover behavior in the magnetically ordered states is also addressed in terms of the perpendicular space analysis.

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