
ProfessorLinsay has called my attention to the need for an examination of these compounds, with a view to ascertaining whether they are ever used in the Singular by Latin writers, or always in the Plural.From a scholium, probably by Donatus, on Aen. X. 173:(Ilua) insula inexhaustis Chalybum generosa metallis, has come a gloss which appears in the Ansileubus Glossary (just published in Vol. I. of Glossaria Latina, Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1926) in two forms:FR 205 Frofra (!): insula Tirreno mari in quo (qua) ferrifodina <e> exercentur, RU 77 Rufa: insula Tirreni maris in qua ferrifodina exercetur.

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