
On the basis of the fermionic coherent state of Cahill and Glauber [Phys. Rev. A 59, 1538 (1999)], we have introduced here the fermionic thermocoherent state in terms of the quasiprobability distribution which shows the appropriate thermal and coherent limits as in the bosonic case or the Glauber-Lachs state. It is shown that the fermionic thermocoherent state can be realized as a displaced thermal state of fermions. Its relation with the fermionic displaced number state and the fermion-added coherent state are explored in the spirit of the bosonic case. We have investigated the nature of the average current and the suppression of noise due to the thermocoherent character of the source. The theory is applied to the problem of electronic conduction. A modification of the Landauer conductance formula is suggested which reflects the role of nonzero coherence of the source in electron transport.

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