
Foods and supplements containing microorganisms with expected beneficial effects are increasingly investigated and utilized in the treatment of human illness, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Research points to a prominent role of gut dysbiosis in the multiple aberrations in gastrointestinal function, immune balance, and mental health seen in IBS. The proposition of the current Perspective is that fermented vegetable foods, in combination with a healthy and stable diet, may be particularly useful for addressing these disturbances. This is based on the recognition that plants and their associated microorganisms have contributed to shaping human microbiota and adaptation over evolutionary time. In particular, lactic acid bacteria with immunomodulatory, antipathogenic, and digestive properties are prevalent in products such as sauerkraut and kimchi. Additionally, by adjusting the salt content and fermentation time, products with a microbial and therapeutic potential beyond that of regular ferments could potentially be produced. Although more clinical data are required to make firm assertions, the low-risk profile, combined with biological considerations and reasoning and considerable circumstantial and anecdotal evidence, indicate that fermented vegetables are worthy of consideration by health professionals and patients dealing with IBS-related issues. To maximize microbial diversity and limit the risk of adverse effects, small doses of multiple products, containing different combinations of traditionally fermented vegetables and/or fruits, is suggested for experimental research and care.

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