
Fermentation of whole banana waste liquor was carried out under controlled microbial conditions. Four different inocula, two axenic, one mixed, and one mixed heterogeneous inoculum (cow dung) at two different ratios, 1 : 1 and 4: 1 of banana-liquor culture medium were studied in non-aseptic conditions. The fermentation process was evaluated by measuring sugar consumption, lactic acid, ethanol and volatile fatty acids production. The ratio 1 : 1 in two of the axenic cultures showed homolactic fermentation while the ratio 4: 1 in the axenic inocula resulted in heterolactic fermentation. In the mixed inoculum for both ratios the fermentation was heterolactic. The fermentation was homolactic for both ratios with the mixed heterogeneous inoculum. Fermentation of sugar in whole banana waste using the mixed heterogeneous inoculum appeared to be better than with either the axenic or mixed inocula because lactic acid was the main product of fermentation.

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