
Tambelo (Bactronophorus sp.) is a wood borer grouped into mollusc and living in the mangrove logs that have died and suffered from decaying process. Regarding empirical experience of the coastal people of Southeast Sulawesi and some research, it indicates that tambelo has a high nutrition which is so beneficial for human’s health. Tambelo is highly perishable and the usage of it is hardly found so the consumption level is low, therefore fermenting the tambelo is the right way. The objectives of this research are to make fermentated tambelo by using bakasang as a starter and to determine the quality of final product.The value of pH, NaCl concentration, total bacteria, and total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) every week for 4 week were analyzed during fermentation, then the quality of final product were determined based on chemical composition and amino acids. During fermentation pH and NaCl concentration decreased however total bacteria and total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) increased in to two weeks then decreased until the fourth week. Tambelo fermentation has a total protein contents which is higher than the total protein of fresh tambelo and fermentation proses was run perfectly although the level are lower than the total amino acid compotition in fresh tambelo.<br />Keywords: fermentation, mangrove, tambelo


  • Tambelo (Bactronophorus sp.) is a wood borer grouped into mollusc and living in the mangrove logs that have died and suffered from decaying process

  • Regarding empirical experience of the coastal people of Southeast Sulawesi and some research, it indicates that tambelo has a high nutrition which is so beneficial for human’s health

  • The objectives of this research are to make fermentated tambelo by using bakasang as a starter and to determine the quality of final product.The value of pH, NaCl concentration, total bacteria, and total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) every week for 4 week were analyzed during fermentation, the quality of final product were determined based on chemical composition and amino acids

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Fermentation of Tambelo and its product characteristics

Okmawaty Anwar*, Linawati Hardjito, Desniar Departemen Teknologi Hasil Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Jalan Agatis, Bogor 16680 Jawa Barat. Pengalaman empiris masyarakat pantai Sulawesi Tenggara dan beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan tambelo memiliki nilai gizi yang tinggi sehingga bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Tambelo sangat mudah mengalami pembusukan dan pengolahan tambelo belum banyak dilakukan sehingga tingkat konsumsinya rendah, oleh karena itu pembuatan tambelo fermentasi adalah cara yang tepat. Dilakukan analisis pH, NaCl, total bakteri, dan total bakteri asam laktat (BAL) setiap minggu selama 4 minggu, kemudian mutu produk akhir dianalisis komposisi kimia dan asam aminonya. Selama fermentasi nilai pH dan kadar NaCl mengalami penurunan, total bakteri dan total bakteri asam laktat (BAL) mengalami peningkatan sampai minggu ke dua lalu mengalami penurunan sampai minggu ke empat. Tambelo fermentasi memiliki kadar protein total yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan tambelo segar dan proses fermentasi berlangsung sempurna meskipun kadarnya lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan komposisi asam amino total pada tambelo segar

Beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan
Bahan dan Alat
Metode Penelitian
Penurunan jumlah total bakteri pada
Komposisi Asam Amino
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