
AbstractThe evolution of ice-sheet configuration and flow pattern in Fennoscandia through the last glacial cycle was reconstructed using a glacial geological inversion model, i.e. a theoretical model that formalises the procedure of using the landform record to reconstruct ice sheets. The model uses mapped flow traces and deglacial melt-water landforms, as well as relative chronologies derived from cross-cutting striae and till lineations, as input data. Flow-trace systems were classified into four types: (i) time-transgressive wet-bed deglacial fans, (ii) time-transgressive frozen-bed deglacial fans, (iii) surge fans, and (iv) synchronous non-deglacial (event) fans. Using relative chronologies and aggregation of fans into glaciologically plausible patterns, a series of ice-sheet Configurations at different time slices was erected. A chronology was constructed through correlation with dated stratigraphical records and proxy data reflecting global ice volume. Geological evidence exists for several discrete ice-sheet configurations centred over the Scandinavian mountain range during the early Weichselian. The build-up of the main Weichselian Fennoscandian ice sheet started at approximately 70 Ka, and our results indicate that it was characterised by an ice sheet with a centre of mass located over southern Norway. This configuration had a flow pattern which is poorly reproduced by current numerical models of the Fennoscandian ice sheet. At the Last Glacial Maximum the main ice divide was located overthe Gulf of Bothnia. A major bend in the ice divide was caused by outflow of ice to the northwest over the lowest part of the Scandinavian mountain chain. Widespread areas of preserved pre-late-Weichselian landscapes indicate that the ice sheet had a frozen-bed core area, which was only partly diminished in size by inward-transgressive wet-bed zones during the decay phase.

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