
Fresh collections and their ascospore and conidial isolates backed up by type studies and molecular phylogenetic analyses of a multigene matrix of partial nuSSU-, complete ITS, partial LSU rDNA, rpb2, tef1 and tub2 sequences were used to evaluate the boundaries and species composition of Fenestella and related genera of the Cucurbitariaceae. Eight species, of which five are new, are recognised in Fenestella s.str., 13 in Parafenestella with eight new species and two in the new genus Synfenestella with one new species. Cucurbitaria crataegi is combined in Fenestella, C. sorbi in Synfenestella, Fenestella faberi and Thyridium salicis in Parafenestella. Cucurbitaria subcaespitosa is distinct from C. sorbi and combined in Neocucurbitaria. Fenestella minor is a synonym of Valsa tetratrupha, which is combined in Parafenestella. Cucurbitaria marchica is synonymous with Parafenestella salicis, Fenestella bavarica with S. sorbi, F. macrospora with F. media, and P. mackenziei is synonymous with P. faberi, and the latter is lectotypified. Cucurbitaria sorbi, C. subcaespitosa and Fenestella macrospora are lecto- and epitypified, Cucurbitaria crataegi, Fenestella media, F. minor and Valsa tetratrupha are epitypified in order to stabilise the names in their phylogenetic positions. A neotype is proposed for Thyridium salicis. A determinative key to species is given. Asexual morphs of fenestelloid fungi are phoma-like and do not differ from those of other representatives of the Cucurbitariaceae. The phylogenetic structure of the fenestelloid clades is complex and can only be resolved at the species level by protein-coding genes, such as rpb2, tef1 and tub2. All fungal species studied here occur, as far as has been possible to determine, on members of Diaporthales, most frequently on asexual and sexual morphs of Cytospora.


  • Phylogenetic assignment of non-lichenised pyrenocarpous ascomycetes forming brown muriform ascospores is a complex and ongoing task. While fungi with such ascospores are rather rare in Sordariomycetes, e.g., Dictyoporthe s.lat. (Jaklitsch & Barr 1997), Stegonsporium (Voglmayr & Jaklitsch 2008, 2014) in Diaporthales, Strickeria (Xylariales; Jaklitsch et al 2016a), Thyronectria (Hypocreales; Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014, Voglmayr et al 2016a) or Thyridium (Spatafora et al 2006), they are common in many families of Dothideomycetes, in several of the Pleosporales (Jaklitsch et al 2016b)

  • Other characters shared by all representatives of this family are the presence of a subiculum and phoma- or pyrenochaeta-like asexual morphs, these characters may occur in several other families, too (Jaklitsch et al 2018, Valenzuela-Lopez et al 2018)

  • Maximum parsimony analyses revealed 33 MP trees 6 241 steps long, one of which is shown as Fig. 1

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Phylogenetic assignment of non-lichenised pyrenocarpous ascomycetes forming brown muriform ascospores is a complex and ongoing task. (Jaklitsch & Barr 1997), Stegonsporium (Voglmayr & Jaklitsch 2008, 2014) in Diaporthales, Strickeria (Xylariales; Jaklitsch et al 2016a), Thyronectria (Hypocreales; Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014, Voglmayr et al 2016a) or Thyridium (Spatafora et al 2006), they are common in many families of Dothideomycetes, in several of the Pleosporales (Jaklitsch et al 2016b). In contrast to genera like, e.g., Thyronectria (Hypocreales; Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2014, Voglmayr et al 2016a) or Teichospora (Pleosporales; Jaklitsch et al 2016c), where both phragmospores and dictyo­ spores cluster in the same genus, all sexual morphs of the Cucurbitariaceae (Pleosporales) have dictyospores (Jaklitsch et al 2018). Several species of Cucurbitaria with no or other asexual morphs have been recently removed to different families of Pleosporales, e.g., Coniothyriaceae (Cucur­ bitaria varians; Crous & Groenewald 2017), Camarosporidiella­

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