
Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAIS) is caused by arepetitive mechanical conflict between the acetabulum and the proximal femur, occurring in flexion and internal rotation. In cam impingement, bony prominences of the femoral head-neck junction induce chondrolabral damage. The acetabular type of FAIS, termed pincer FAIS, may be either due to focal or global retroversion and/or acetabular overcoverage. Combinations of cam and pincer morphology are common. Pathological femoral torsion may aggravate or decrease the mechanical conflict in FAI but can also occur in isolation. Of note, ahigh percentage of adolescents with FAI-like shape changes remain asymptomatic. The diagnosis of FAIS is therefore made clinically, whereas imaging reveals the underlying morphology. X‑rays in two planes remain the primary imaging modality, the exact evaluation of the osseous deformities of the femur and chondrolabral damage is assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Acetabular coverage and version are primarily assessed on radiographs. Evaluation of the entire circumference of the proximal femur warrants MRI which is further used in the assessment of chondrolabral lesions, and also bone marrow and adjacent soft tissue abnormalities. The MRI protocol should routinely include measurements of femoral torsion. Fluid-sensitive sequences should be acquired to rule out degenerative or inflammatory extra-articular changes.

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