
PART ONE: CONTINUING PROBLEMS Introduction Ruth Sidel, Mixed Messages Julius Lester, Being a Boy William H. Becker, Feminism's Personal Questions--for Men Pat Mainardi, The Politics of Housework Mary Kay Blakely, Calling All Working Fathers Barbara Ehrenreich, The Politics of Talking in Couples: Conversus Interruptus and Other Disorders Melinda Beck et al., Trading Places Shirley Hill Witt, Native American Women Today Yla Eason, When the Boss Wants Sex Abortion Proclamation Randy Albelda, Aborting Choice Bo Keppel, The Impact of Sexism Racism and Classism on HIV-Infected Women Suzanne Pharr, Hate Violence against Women. Lori Heise, The Global War against Women Jon Steinberg, Hungry at Debt's Door PART TWO: WHY THEORY Introduction Jane Flax, Women Do Theory Bettina Aptheker, Tapestries of Life Patricia Hill Collins, Toward an Afrocentric Feminist Epistemology Marilyn Frye, The Possibility of Feminist Theory PART THREE: THEORIES OF WOMEN'S SUBORDINATION Introduction Women's Subordination Through the Lens of Sex: Conservatism Sigmund Freud, Femininity Edward O. Wilson, Sex. Ruth Hubbard, The Political of Human Nature Women's Subordination Through the Lens of Gender: Liberalism John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women National Organization for Women (NOW) Bill of Rights Women's Subordination Through the Lens of Class: Classical Marxism Friedrich Engels, Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State Evelyn Reed, Women: Caste, Class, or Oppressed Sex Women's Subordination Through the Lens of Sex and Gender and Sexuality: Radical Feminism Charlotte Bunch, Lesbians in Revolt Monique Wittig, One Is Not Born A Woman Catherine MacKinnon, Sex Equality: Difference and Dominance Women's Subordination Through the Lens of Gender and Class: Socialist Feminism Charlotte Perkins Gilman Chapter of the New American Movement, A View of Socialist Feminism Juliet Mitchell, Woman's Estate Heidi I. Hartmann, The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: Towards a More Progressive Union Women's Subordination Through the Lens of Race, Gender, Class and Sexuality: Multicultural Feminism Cherrie Moraga, From a Long Line of Vendidas: Chicanas and Feminism Esther Ngan-Ling Chow, The Feminist Movement: Where Are All the Asian American Women Deborah King, Multiple Jeopardy: The Context of a Black Feminist Ideology Gerda Lerner, Reconceptualizing Differences Among Women Women's Subordination World-Wide: Global Feminism Charlotte Bunch, Prospects for Global Feminism Ximena Bunster-Bunalto, Surviving Beyond Fear: Women and Torture in Latin America Cynthia Enlow, Bananas, Bases, and Patriarchy Andree Nicola McLaughlin, Black Women, Identity, and the Quest for Humanhood and Wholeness: Wild Women in the Whirlwind PART FOUR: PRACTICE: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES THROUGH THE LENSES Introduction Staying Alive Women Count--Count Women's Work Diana M. Pearce, The Feminization of Poverty: Update Margaret B. Wilkerson and Jewell Handy Gresham, The Racialization of Poverty Cynthia R. Daniels, There's No Place Like Home. Suzanne Pharr, Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism Katherine Spiller, The Feminist Majority Report: Corporate Women and the Mommy Track Katherine S. Newman, Middle-Class Women in Trouble. Billie Wright Dziech & Linda Weiner, The Lecherous Professor Arlie Russell Hochschild, The Managed Heart Judith Rollins, Deference and Maternalism. Karen J. Hossfeld, Their Logic Against Them Contradictions in Sex, Race, and Class in Silicon Valley Barbara Ehrenreich and Annette Fuentes, Life on the Global Assembly Line Family Alix Kates Shulman, A Marriage Contract Rose M. Brewer, Black Women in Poverty: Some Comments on Female-Headed Families Philip S. Gutis, Family Redefines Itself, and Now the Law Follows Jeffner Allen, Motherhood: The Annihilation of Women Katha Pollit, The Strange Case of Baby M Judith Lewis Herman, Incestuous Fathers and their Families Nancy Chodorow, Gender, Personality and the Sexual Sociology of Adult Life Betsy Hartmann, A Womb of One's Own. John Krich, Here Come the Brides Mina Davis Caulfield, Imperialism, the Family and Cultures of Resistance Sexuality Shulamith Firestone, The Culture of Romance Sandra Lee Bartky, The Feminine Body Lillian B. Rubin, The Sexual Dilemma Angela Davis, Rape, Racism and the Myth of the Black Rapist Andrea Dworkin, Letter from a War Zone Alice Walker, A Letter of the Times, or Should This Sado-masochism Be Saved Myrna Kostash, Second Thoughts Adrienne Rich, Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence Marilyn Frye, Virgin Women Ann Ferguson, A Transitional Feminist Sexual Morality Charlotte Bunch, Strategies for Organizing Against Female Sexual Slavery

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