
In this paper, “Feminist Criminology and Intersectionality in Crimes”, I have attempted in tossing some clarity onto the theoretical and methodological framework of feminist criminology and intersectionality in crimes with respect to its work in criminal justice system. For an easy comprehension of this extensive topic, the paper is divided into minor segments such as an Introduction and Scope of Feminist school of Criminology, Emergence of the study in an historical perspective, Theoretical Framework, Methodological Framework, Contributions of the school to the Criminal Justice System, the subject as a Scholarly Discourse, Global perspective of the study, Current day concerns drawn by the Feminist Criminological School and Conclusion. Society in a general run of things has invariably associated Women with passive connotations since time immemorial. Women are often seen as nurturers, mothers, care takers, teachers, homemakers and fragile in nature. Owing to the fact that these stigmatized attributes of women are competently amalgamated in the society, it becomes inordinately onerous for the society to accept the existence of the nature in women who are involved with violent crimes and its studies. These women, in numerous instances are seen as an abnormal women and unladylike or less womanly. Attributable to which, the women were customarily kept out and/or paid no attention to in the criminological studies for the few initial decades even after the its emergence and expansion. The Feministic Approach in Criminological Studies is said to be born and evolved with an intent to draw attention to and spot light the concerns correlated with the communication and representation of difficulties faced by women in field of criminological studies, both as a subjects in the study and as the scholars of the field.

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