
Decolonizing Feminism implies the internal critique of «western hegemonic feminisms», and especially the way in which these theoretical and political approaches discursively produce «women of the third world» as monolithic and ahistorical subjects (deconstruction). This criticism is, however, insufficient if there is not an epistemic detachment from the Modernity/Coloniality matrix and a creative intention oriented to search for alternative thoughts located «outside» the European and American universe. Is in this tension that some feminist thoughts and practices from Latin American indigenous worlds can be located. In particular, it is interesting to analyze the communal feminism, since it is located beyond the postcolonial critique. Through categories such as territory-body and territory-land, this feminism grounds itself in an alternative epistemology. The strength of this feminism lies in conceiving sexual oppression as the counterpart of colonial domination, which suggests a double depatriarchalization of the different territories against the forms of oppression of capitalism and, also, of the ancestral patriarchy.

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