
SummaryThe metabolism of dehydroepiandrosterone-7-3H, androstenedione-1,2-3H, and testosterone-1,2-3H by the preputial glands and genital skin (prepuce) was determined in genetic male pseudohermaphrodites, and in their littermate King-X Holtzman males and females. Both tissues in each of the three animals have an active Δ5-3β-hydroxysteroid oxidoreductase system capable of transforming dehydroepiandrosterone to testosterone and testosterone metabolites in a similar fashion to that of the woffian duct and genital tubercle of the fetus of this species as previously reported. The present results also indicate that the pattern of androgen metabolism in both tissues of the rat male pseudohermaphrodites has an elevated amount of 17β-hydroxylated and 3α-hydroxylated 5α-androstane products resembling that of the corresponding tissues of the female and is significantly different from that of its littermate male. Thus, it appears that there is a sex dependent difference in the pattern of androgen metabolizing enzym...

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