
There is currently a gap in sexual selection theory about how much the environment drives female mating decisions. We present field data that suggest that female sexual behaviour in the damselfly Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis is influenced by parasite burden. Male wing pigmentation in Calopteryx is a sexually selected trait that signals a male's ability to cope with eugregarine parasites (an intestinal parasite that feeds on the adult's ingested food). Because adult C.haemorrhoidalis females also show wing pigmentation, we examined whether this trait is similarly influenced by parasite burden and whether it may signal the female's reproductive value. MaleC.haemorrhoidalis defend riverine substrates that females use for oviposition. After copulation and during oviposition, females are guarded by the copulating male against intruder males. Alternatively, females may avoid mating and ‘steal’ an oviposition site within a male's territory. In the present study, we found that the amount of female wing pigmentation was negatively correlated with the number of eugregarines present. Females with more parasites produced fewer eggs, survived fewer days, spent less time during courtship, ‘inspected’ fewer males before mating, had a lower mating success, were guarded for less time during oviposition and engaged in fewer ‘stealing’ events during oviposition. The reduced egg production and survival of heavily infected females may result from eugregarine depletion of the females' consumed food reserves. Thus, to offset reduced longevity, heavily infected females may accept a mating more rapidly and mate with fewer males. ‘Stealing’ behaviour may be related to the female's differential use of sperm from some males, particularly high-quality males. Interestingly, males that mated with low-pigmented females showed greater variance in wing pigmentation than did males that mated with high-pigmented females. Possibly, female wing pigmentation may signal a female's reproductive value, which provides females with longer mate-guarding episodes and reduced interference from intruder males. This study points out one possible constraint, intestine parasites, that females may face during mating decisions. Because females in bad condition mate with males in both good and bad condition, this constraint may be pervasive enough to weaken the intensity of selection for a male sexually selected trait, wing pigmentation, and help to maintain its variation in phenotypic expression. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.

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