
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of personality traits and political efficacy on electoral outcomes among selected female parliamentary contestants during general elections in Angola.
 Methodology: It used purposive and snowball sampling methods. Data was collected using the BFI and PES Scales. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze participant’s demographic information. A One-way ANOVA was used to examine differences while a Chi-Square was used to examine associations between successful and non-successful contestants.
 Findings: The study found a positive association between external efficacy and electoral outcome χ2 (2, n=42) = 8.04, p = .005. An ANOVA yielded no significant difference in extraversion between successful (M = 4.18, SD = 1.00) and non-successful (M = 0.519, SD = .519) participants (F (1, 40) =.984, p = .327); no significant differences in neuroticism between successful (M = 2.00, SD =.54) and non-successful (M = 1.99, SD =.533) participants (F (1, 40), .005, p = .946); no significant difference in openness between successful (M = 3.89, SD =.563) and non-successful (M = 3.72, SD =.734) participants (F (1, 40), .717, p = 402).
 Conclusion: In conclusion, the study found personality traits and political efficacy judgments as able to determine electoral outcomes. It was evident that external and internal political efficacy associated with electoral success and moderate the effect of personality traits.
 Recommendation: The study proposed that female political aspirants should seek personality assessment and counselling to enhance self-understanding, harness the strengths of their personality trait and manage its weaknesses and they should nurture personality traits and political efficacy judgements that enhance their connection and favor with the electorate.

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