
The archaeological field course is the forum where many archaeology students meet and take part in an archaeological excavation for the first time. To excavate and generate scientific data through excavations is at the core of the archaeological discipline. For that reason, introducing students for theoretical and practical knowledge about field archaeology have been a central part of the discipline for the last 150 years at Norwegian universities. In this paper, we look closer at how the field course has developed at the University of Oslo during the last half century. Based on a compiled overview of field courses, we discuss how the field course has developed and changed over time in relation to the development in the discipline and higher education at large. A central question is whether the field course succeed in giving the students skills to perform an excavation and document the process. A main find is that collegial knowledge transfer run as a thread through the disciplines’ history as the most important way of training new archaeologists.


  • For that reason, introducing students for theoretical and practical knowledge about field archaeology have been a central part of the discipline for the last 150 years at Norwegian universities

  • We look closer at how the field course has developed at the University of Oslo during the last half century

  • A main find is that collegial knowledge transfer run as a thread through the disciplines’ history as the most important way of training new archaeologists

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Caroline Fredriksen
Eivind Heldaas Seland
Feltkurs som læringsform
Feltkurset som undervisningsform
Feltkursets historie
Arkeologisk forvaltning og feltarbeid
Studier og faglige trender
Dagens situasjon
Feltkursets dilemma
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