
About 80 large felsic plutons were emplaced in the Midyan region of the northwestern Arabian Shield between 725 and 570 Ma ago. Polymetallic mineralization, including Mo, Nb, REE, Sn, Ta, U, W and Zr, is associated with particular varieties. Five intrusive suites of regional extent and five other plutons have been identified. The oldest extensive unit is the Muwaylih suite, consisting of trondhjemite, tonalite, diorite and gabbro, with generally trondhjemitic compositional affinities and no known mineral potential. The most voluminous is the Ifal suite, a heterogeneous assemblage of biotite—hornblende monzogranite, granodiorite and quartz monzodiorite in large, oval to irregular plutons characterized by numerous intraplutonic dikes, but with no known mineral potential. The Ifal suite is intruded by plutons of the Atiyah monzogranite, with a variable number of dikes. The Muwaylih, Ifal and Atiyah suites are chemically metaluminous, but the Midyan suite consists of alkali granite to alkali-feldspar granite which is metaluminous to peralkaline. Large, irregular plutons of the Haql suite are composed of perthite leucogranite which is metaluminous to marginally peraluminous or peralkaline. Plutonic rock units of local significance include the Lawz complex, consisting of commonly granophyric syenogranite to monzogranite, the Mowasse quartz syenite and the Sawda (nepheline syenite) complex. Polymetallic Nb Zr deposits, such as those at Jabal Tawlah and Ghurayyah, are the most important known mineral resources and are related to alkali granite of the Midyan suite. Plumasitic specialized plutons, such as the Ratamah granite, have weak Sn W Ta Nb mineralization, and are related to the Haql suite. Apical and contact zones of plutons of these suites are favorable exploration target areas.

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