
NICE is committed to offering opportunities for frontline health professionals to engage in the development of its guidance and share ex-amples of best practice; this is so that we can help those working for the NHS deliver the highest possible quality of care that is evidence-based and cost-effective. NICE already relies on surgeons and other clinicians to join the various committees that develop guidance on NICE's behalf, so that they can input specialist expertise. More locally, clinicians can also submit success stories of how they have put NICE guidance into practice to our shared learning database. By working closely with health professionals, NICE can learn from them and publish guidance that reflects best clinical practice and so be of the greatest benefit to patients. NICE recognises that motivated and influential clinicians across the NHS deliver high-quality healthcare day to day within their local communities. For the last two years NICE has awarded fellowships and scholarships to a select number of these exceptional health and social care professionals who are actively involved in improving the quality of care locally or nationally within their profession by supporting the principles that underpin NICE's work. The fellowships and scholarships are marks of professional distinction as they recognise achievement and promise. The positions carry great importance as the fellows and scholars are ambassadors for NICE, each using their experience and networks to advise their profes-sional peers and support the implementation of NICE's guidance and quality standards, where appropriate. They also promote the wider benefits of high-quality research and evidence-based care. NICE seeks to support the continuing professional development of those recruited into the programme; such as through one-to-one mentoring, structured workshops and opportunities to network with likeminded colleagues and share examples of good practice. NICE is currently recruiting for its third intake of fellows and scholars and is interested in receiving applications from surgeons.

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