
Polar regions are characterized by rocky terrains with sparse vegetation and oligotrophic soils, i.e. “fellfields”. In such ecosystems, microbial communities should be essential for soil-plant functioning but their diversity is poorly explored. The sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Islands fellfields are characterized by an endemic long-lived cushion plant, Lyallia kerguelensis which rhizosphere may be a shelter for microbes in this harsh environment. Cushions are affected by necrosis and we expect the rhizomicrobiome composition to be related to plant necrosis. We analysed bacterial and fungal communities in bulk- and rhizospheric soils from L. kerguelensis in five different fellfields across the Kerguelen Islands using 16S rRNA and ITS1 metabarcoding. We found that soil microbial communities were composed of both restricted and cosmopolitan taxa. While all sites were dominated by the same bacterial taxa (Chloroflexi, Actinobacteria, α-Proteobacteria and Acidobacteria), the relative abundance of the main fungal phyla (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Mortierellomycota and Rozellomycota) highly differed between sites. L. kerguelensis rhizomicrobiome was at least as diverse as the bulk soil, making the rhizosphere a possible reservoir of microbial diversity. It was composed of the same main bacterial phyla than detected in the bulk soil while the composition of the rhizosphere fungal communities was specific to each plant. No common microorganisms were identified regarding cushion necrosis extent across plants and sites, but several microbial putative functions were shared, suggesting a possible shift in soil functioning with cushion necrosis increase. Our study brings new information on the diversity and composition of the microbial communities of fellfield soils in a sub-Antarctic Island and the rhizomicrobiome of a characteristic endemic cushion plant.

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