
Young people suffering from mental health problems is a public health issue, and it is important to listen to adolescents’ views on the issues that affect their lives. This qualitative study describes adolescents’ perceptions of the prevalence of and public stigma towards mental health problems among young people. A total of 32 Swedish adolescents, aged 15–18 years old, took part in either semi-structured focus groups or individual interviews. The data were analyzed using systematic text condensation, resulting in three themes: Having mental health problems is the new normal; What others think of you affects you; If others lack experience and knowledge, they don’t respond well. The adolescents considered mental health problems to be common in young people and a normal feature of their lives. They displayed an in-depth understanding for reasons of the increase in mental health problems in young people, and factors such as pressure from school, stereotypical gender norms, rumors and prejudice were suggested as possible explanations for the increase, alongside improved openness about mental health problems. The adolescents’ perceptions of the stigmatization of mental health problems were consistent with a trifold definition of stigma, comprising stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination. The adolescents suggested that better education about mental health problems, and more inclusive gender norms, would help reduce stigma and improve young people’s mental health.

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