
Light has been used to observe cells since Leeuwenhoek's times; however, we use the forces caused by light described by Maxwell's surface tensor to feel for the cellular cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton a compound of highly dynamic polymers and active nano-elements inside biological cells is responsible for a cell's stability and organization. It mechanically senses a cell's environment and generates cellular forces sufficiently strong to push rigid AFM-cantilevers out of the way. The active cytoskeleton is described by a new type of polymer physics since nano-sized molecular motors and active polymerization overcome the inherently slow, often glass-like brownian polymer dynamics. The optical stretcher exploits the nonlinear, thus amplified response of a cell's mechanical strength to small changes between different cytoskeletal proteomic compositions as a high precision cell marker that uniquely characterizes different cell types. Consequentially, the optical stretcher detects tumors and their stages with accuracy unparalleled by molecular biology. As implied by developmental biology the compartmentalization of cells and the epithelial-mesenchymal transition that allows cells to overcome compartmental boundaries strongly depend on cell stiffness and adhesiveness. Consequentially, biomechanical changes are key when metastatic cells become able to leave the boundaries of the primary tumor.

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