
Sixty-one Holstein cows were used at varying stages of lactation to evaluate the feeding value of high moisture shelled corn ensiled in conventional silos. Control rations consisted of comparable amounts of conventional shelled corn dried in commercial drying facilities. Cows fed high moisture corn produced milk of higher fat content (3.09 versus 2.64%) and greater quantities of fat (.73 versus .64kg) while they consumed less concentrate (9.28 versus 9.84kg), resulting in the crude fiber content of the dry matter being 14.60% compared to 13.82% for control cows. Covariate adjustment of treatment means to equal intake of crude fiber eliminated differences above. Milk, 4% fat corrected milk, silage, total dry matter intake, and rumen volatile fatty acids were not significantly different between groups.Dry matter recovery following the ensiling process was 96.0±1.9% with 3.0±1.1% classified as spoiled corn, resulting in a total of 7% loss. Recoveries of all proximate constituents were similar to dry matter with the exception of ash (82.4%). Costs of the two systems were evaluated for varying corn prices and moisture.

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