
The feeding strategy, overlap and trophic interactions of four demersal catfishes inhabiting Cochin Estuary, Arius maculatus (n = 67), A. subrostratus (n = 63), A. arius (n = 21) and Mystus gulio (n = 69) were investigated through gut-content analyses. The indices of relative importance revealed that the prey items in their stomachs were dominated by crustaceans except in A. arius where molluscs constituted the major prey item. The highest diet and niche breadth values (3.93, 0.36 respectively) were recorded in A. subrostratus, while the lowest was recorded in A. arius (2.64, 0.23 respectively). Pianka's overlap, calculated through null models constructed by Ecosim 7.0, revealed significant niche overlap between A. maculatus and A. subrostratus (O-0.91, P < 0.001), between A. maculatus and M. gulio (O-0.72, P < 0.05) and between A. subrostratus and M.gulio (O-0.64 P < 0.05). However, no overlap was recorded between A. arius and other species. The trophic niche breadth along with prey specific abundance confirmed that these fishes are highly specific feeders. The present results on trophic level status indicate that these catfishes are mid-level carnivores that can be considered as moderate benthic mesopredators and are specialist feeders unlike most catfishes.

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