
The stomach content was studied in adults of Kaloula pulchra, Leptobrachium smithi, Sivirana leptoglossa, and Fejervarya spp., which were encountered in the Rosekandy tea estate of Cachar. All the anuran species found were carnivorous and eighteen prey types were identified consisting of arthropods and mollusks from the anuran stomach-flush samples. Significant positive correlations were observed in the snout-vent length and the gape size of the anuran species with the length, width and height of their prey types. Insects of Hymenoptera and Coleoptera were consumed most frequently. Prey selections were based on the microhabitats and the habits of different anuran species. Adults of Hymenoptera were the relatively abundant prey type to all the anurans, but species like Kaloula pulchra and Sylvirana leptoglossa also showed selective feeding on termites (Isoptera).

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