
SynopsisIndividual mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, can adopt a broad range of attack selectivities. In part, this variation can be explained by the past experiences of a fish. Individuals selected the more profitable Ceriodaphnia dubia (Cladocera) over less profitable cyclopoid copepods to a greater degree after being exposed to both prey types than did individuals experienced with only one of the prey types. Feeding rate (biomass ingested per unit time) declined with increased attack specialization on the profitable prey (Ceriodaphnia) when such prey were scarce, a result in agreement with assumptions of optimal diet theory. When profitable prey were abundant feeding rate was a bimodal function of the intensity of specialization on profitable prey; fish that specialized on cyclopoid copepods (the less profitable prey type) fed at higher rates than did generalists. This may be the result of antagonistic learning that precluded feeding efficiently on more than one type of prey at a time. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that rejection of unsuitable prey involves a time cost. The two preceeding aspects of foraging behavior, which are absent from most optimal diet models, could lead to failure in predicting the attack specialization of some predators. An additional aspect of the results was the generally weak relationship between feeding efficiency and specialization behavior. This suggests that feeding rate may not have been as tightly linked to the specialization behavior a predator adopts as is assumed by current foraging theory.

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