
The importance of feeding pattern is well documented in fish (Jenkins & Green, 1977; Simenstad & Cailliet, 1986) but there are not many reported studies in cephalopods. Feeding patterns, as defined by Jenkins & Green (1977) have been studied, to our knowledge, only in Todarodes pacificus (Okiyama, 1965), Loligo pealei (Vovk, 1972), Loligo opalescens (Karpov & Cailliet, 1978), Illex illecebrosus (Amaratunga et ah, 1979; Amaratunga, 1980) and Nototodarus gouldi (O'Sullivan & Cullen, 1983). Boyle (1983) dealt with aspects of feeding in several cephalopod species but not specifically with feeding pattern. Aspects of feeding in Sepia officinalis have been reviewed by Nixon (1987). The present work describes the daily feeding pattern in Sepia officinalis from data collected in the field.

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