
Leftover bakery by-products (BP) from bakeries and supermarkets may serve as energy-rich ingredient in ruminant diets. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the successive substitution of cereal grains by BP on dry matter (DM) intake, milk production, and metabolic health as well as ruminal pH and eating and chewing behavior of dairy cows. Twenty-four lactating Simmental cows (149 ± 22.3 d in milk, lactation number 2.63 ± 1.38, 756 ± 89.6 kg of initial body weight) were fed a total mixed ration containing a 50:50 ratio of forage to concentrate throughout the experiment (35 d). During the first week, all cows received a control diet (without BP) as a baseline (d -7 to 0). In the next 4 wk (d 1 to 28), cows were allocated to 3 groups differing in the BP concentrations of diets [0% BP (CON), 15% BP, and 30% BP on a DM basis]. The DM intake and reticuloruminal pH were continuously measured. Blood and milk samples were taken every week, but only results from the experimental period (d 21 and 28) were used for statistical analyses, whereas results from the baseline were considered covariates. Diet analyses showed that BP inclusion increased the ether extract and sugar contents, whereby starch and neutral detergent fiber decreased. Experimental data showed that feeding BP in the diet increased DM intake. Furthermore, the cows fed 30% BP produced roughly 4 kg/d more milk and energy-corrected milk than the CON cows. The milk urea nitrogen was lower in cows fed the BP. Feeding BP reduced the blood glucose and insulin concentrations, whereas nonesterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, and cholesterol increased linearly. Cows fed 15% BP had the shortest period of time in which ruminal pH was below 5.8, in contrast to CON cows (+188 min/d). Taken together, the results suggest that the inclusion of up to 30% BP in the diets of mid-lactation dairy cows shifted the nutrient profile from a glucogenic diet to a lipogenic diet, holding the potential to enhance performance and lower the risk of subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows.

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