
Ruminal fermentation of lactose increases molar proportions of butyrate, which is metabolized by the ruminal epithelium to β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA). To determine the effects of dietary whey, and specifically lactose, on concentrations of ruminal and blood volatile fatty acids (VFA) and blood BHBA, 8 Holstein and 4 Brown Swiss multiparous cows (210±33 d in milk) were blocked by breed and randomly assigned to one of three 4×4 Latin squares. Treatments were control (CON; 7.1% of dietary dry matter [DM] as cornstarch), liquid whey (WHEY; 9.4% of diet DM) containing 70% lactose on a DM basis, low lactose (LOLAC; 7.1% lactose), or high lactose (HILAC; 14.3% lactose). Diets contained 53% forage as corn silage, alfalfa hay, and grass hay (DM basis) and a corn and soybean meal-based concentrate. Average dietary percentage of crude protein and energy density (Mcal/kg net energy for lactation) were 16.8 and 1.47, respectively. Feeding lactose increased DM intake. Milk production and composition were not affected by diet with the exception of decreased urea nitrogen in milk from cows fed lactose. Greater proportions of ruminal propionate were observed in cows fed CON relative to those fed WHEY and LOLAC. Increasing dietary lactose increased proportions of ruminal butyrate and decreased acetate and branched-chain VFA. Concurrent with the increase in ruminal butyrate concentrations, there was an increase in plasma BHBA as lactose in the diet increased. Concentrations of VFA in plasma were not affected by diet with the exception of the branched-chain VFA, which were increased in cows fed LOLAC compared with WHEY. These data indicate lactose fermentation increases proportions of ruminal butyrate and plasma BHBA in lactating dairy cows; however, the observed increase in plasma BHBA is not sufficient to subject cows to ketosis.

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