
The soils of northern Ghana are mostly undeveloped and characterized by poor fertility and productivity especially towards the Sahara desert. The issue of climate change affecting rainfall patterns and high cost of fertilizers further exacerbates issues surrounding productive soils and food security. Waste separation is not a common practice in both rural and urban areas of the country. Domestic composting of kitchen waste is therefore not a popular practice amongst small holder farmers in the area, as they mostly rely on subsidized fertilizers and waste from livestock and other animals to improve their soils. The Regentropfen College of Applied Sciences in Ghana has however mapped out a research plan that sought to use kitchen waste from their students’ hostel and model schools to promote nutrient cycling in their ecosystem to produce 100% organic food products to sustain its community. The intervention will eventually be scaled up in the immediate community (Bongo district) after implementation. The main ideology of this endeavour is to promote sustainable agriculture, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable livelihoods for all. This article is therefore a mini review on the subject matter.

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