
Specimens of the Dungeness crab Cancer magister, were collected subtidally and intertidally from an estuary in Washington State, USA in June and September 1980, and January, April, May and July, 1981. Gut contens of freshly collected crabs were analyzed by the Index of Relative Importance; for each prey taxon, this method measured frequency of occurrence, percentage of total biomass, and percentage of total numbers consumed. The most important higher taxon eaten was fish; however, the most important prey genus was the shrimp Crangon spp. There was greater predation on Crangon spp. at night at the intertidal site, and during winter and spring when the shrimp were most abundant there. Feeding activity, as indicated by a weight-specific gut-fullness index, showed no consistent diel pattern. There were significant ontogenetic changes in feeding patterns: first-year crabs preyed primarily on very small bivalves or small crustaceans including their conspecifics; second-year crabs preferred Crangon spp. and fish, and third-year crabs preyed less on Crangon spp. and more on fish. Such changes in feeding habits with ege could be purely due to mechanics of food handling, but might also reduce competition among age groups of crabs, possibly partitioning resources within the estuary. Findings are discussed in terms of optimal foraging and compared to other similar studies.

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