
Abstract From October 1986 through September 1989, the diet of tawny owls Strix aluco in the city of Pavia (northern Italy) was studied by examining 769 pellets coming from 4 pellet‐dropping stations. The results show that the owls fed mainly on birds (61.1% in biomass), whereas mammals accounted for 37%. Arthropods, especially ants, were numerous in the diet, mainly during summer although their biomass was slight. Seasonal changes in diet occurred throughout the year. During winter, the owls preyed on birds and mammals in the same proportions. Birds largely predominated in spring and sum mer, while mammals slightly prevailed in autumn. The diet of dif ferent individual tawny owls was quite similar qualitatively, but dif fered quantitatively, according to the habitats included in their respective territories.

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