
The behaviour of the Pacific red snapper Lutjanus peru larvae during the onset of exogenous feeding at day 3 after hatching at 26º C was studied. Ten larvae were directly observed during 5 min each before and after the addition of feed. Rotifers (Brachionus rotundiformis) and copepod nauplii (Euterpina acutifrons) were used as live feed at a density of 5 prey/ml. Larval behavior was described before and after prey addition. Also, the number of larvae that displayed an attack posture and the number of attacks per larvae during the observationperiod were recorded. Before prey addition, the larvae displayed three types of conduct: swimming, resting and fast impulse. This behavioral pattern changed with the presence of feed, regardless of prey type. The swimming conduct increased duration but changed to a short distance and frequent pauses. The resting conduct reduced itsduration and two new modal action patterns associated to feeding were present: “S” posture after prey detection and the attack which consisted in a direct larval strike towards the prey and may include prey capture. Less than 50% of the observed larvae displayed the attack posture and the mean number of attacks per larvae was less than 1.5 during the observation period regardless of prey type. Results are similar to the reported for other species during the onset of exogenous feeding and suggest that copepod nauplii may be a more suitable prey during first feeding of L. peru.


  • The behaviour of the Pacific red snapper Lutjanus peru larvae during the onset of exogenous feeding

  • Ten larvae were directly observed during 5 min

  • fast impulse. This behavioral pattern changed with the presence of feed

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Material y Métodos

Los organismos utilizados para el bioensayo provienen de un desove de reproductores silvestres del huachinango del Pacífico Lutjanus peru, obtenido a través de un protocolo de inducción hormonal descrito por Pelcastre-Campos (2006). En las observaciones hechas después de la adición de alimento, se evaluó el porcentaje de larvas que desplegaron una postura de ataque y el número de ataques promedio por larva durante el tiempo de observación. Antes de agregar el alimento se identificaron tres tipos de conducta en todas las larvas observadas en ambos tanques de cultivo: nado, reposo, e impulso rápido (Tabla 1). La duración de cada período de nado fue menor a 30 segundos en todos los casos. El tiempo transcurrido desde el momento en que se agregó el alimento, hasta observar la presencia de los PAM de las larvas fue menor a dos minutos. Patrones de conducta y de acción modal (PAM) de las larvas del huachinango del Pacífico Lutjanus peru registrados durante la primera alimentación exógena

Sacudida Postura Sigmoidal Ataque
Nauplios de copépodo
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