
The feeding behavior of six species of spionid polychaetes ( Paraprionospio pinnata (Ehlers), Polydora ligni Webster, Scolecolepides viridis (Verrill), Spiophanes bombyx (Claparede), Spio setosa Verrill, and Streblospio benedicti Webster) from the Chesapeake Bay was studied. All species fed on both suspended (including resuspended) and deposited particles and increased their feeding rate, as indicated by fecal production, in the presence of a current transporting suspended particles. Although all six species have the same anatomical structures for food gathering, a wide variety of food particle collection behaviors was observed. Palp movement patterns varied from species to species as well as with the size, the habitat type of collection, and the presence of suspended particles. Factors not directly related to feeding are probably as important in understanding the observed distributional patterns. Food availability and competitive interactions affected small-scale movements of individuals.

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