
In the autumn months of 2018-2019, food spectra of salmons were quite diverse in the Okhotsk Sea. Amphipods prevailed in the diet of juvenile pink and chum salmon that corresponded to these zooplankton species abundance in the southern part of the sea; other significant portions of their diet were presented by euphausiids, copepods, arrowworms, pteropods, and oikopleura. Decapods, fish and squids were in the diet of masu, coho and chinook salmon. Portion of zooplankton was about 100 % in the diet of pink salmon fingerlings, but only 98 % in the diet of chum salmon fingerlings with 2 % portion of squids. Grazing by salmons was insignificant: 0.2-0.3 % of the total zooplankton biomass within the periods of observation (18 days in 2018 and 13 days in 2019), or 0.04-2.0 % for certain taxonomic groups, except of pteropods and oikopleura with the consumed portions of 4-7 % and 7-12 %, respectively. However, the daily consumption by salmons relative to daily production of some groups was significant in October, 2018 and reached 97 % for amphipods and > 200 % for euphausiids in the northeastern Okhotsk Sea (biostatistical areas 6-8) and 48 and 27 %, respectively, in the entire surveyed area. This ratio was twice lower in October, 2019, as 24 % for amphipods and 12 % for euphausiids. Daily consumption of copepods and arrowworms never exceeded 2 % of their daily production. The most favorable conditions for nekton feeding in fall of both years were observed in the northwestern Okhotsk Sea, and the worst conditions — in its northeastern part, with moderate conditions without deficit of prey in the central part (biostatistical area 9) and southern part (biostatistical areas 12, 13), where the biomass of forage plankton exceeded the biomass of nekton in 30-97 times in 2018 and in 56-76 times in 2019.


  • Качественный состав пищевых спектров лососей в Охотском море осенью 2018– 2019 гг. был довольно разнообразен, но в рационе молоди горбуши и кеты преобладали гиперииды, имевшие в южной части моря относительно высокую биомассу

  • In the autumn months of 2018–2019, food spectra of salmons were quite diverse in the Okhotsk Sea

  • Amphipods prevailed in the diet of juvenile pink and chum salmon that corresponded to these zooplankton species abundance in the southern part of the sea; other significant portions of their diet were presented by euphausiids, copepods, arrowworms, pteropods, and oikopleura

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Известия ТИНРО

Качественный состав пищевых спектров лососей в Охотском море осенью 2018– 2019 гг. Выедание лососями биомассы зоопланктона было незначительным (0,2–0,3 %), как и отдельных его групп (0,04–2,0 %), кроме птеропод и ойкоплевр — соответственно 4,0–7,0 и 7,0–12,0 % за период наблюдений Потребление лососями суточной продукции амфипод в северо-восточных районах (6–8) достигало 97 %, а эвфаузиид — более 200 %. The daily consumption by salmons relative to daily production of some groups was significant in October, 2018 and reached 97 % for amphipods and > 200 % for euphausiids in the northeastern Okhotsk Sea (biostatistical areas 6–8) and 48 and 27 %, respectively, in the entire surveyed area. Стало выполнение съемок двумя судами, что позволило за короткий срок (13–18 сут) охватить всю акваторию нагула лососей в Охотском море. Настоящая работа является продолжением трофологического мониторинга тихоокеанских лососей в Охотском море и ставит своей целью оценить состояние кормовой базы и пищевой обеспеченности в осенний период 2018 и 2019 гг

Материалы и методы
Результаты и их обсуждение
Ʉɢɠɭɱɫɦ ɑɚɜɵɱɚɫɦ
Сима Кижуч Чавыча
Биомасса зоопланктона
Amphipoda Euphausiacea Chaetognatha
Список литературы
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