
Feeding difficulties after congenital heart surgery are a common concern for caregivers of children with CHD. Insight into the intricacies of their experience is lacking. With a better understanding, healthcare providers can continue to optimize the approach and support mechanisms for these families. This study will explore the psychosocial impacts on caregivers, define barriers to care, and identify areas to improve their care. This mixed-methods study combined semi-structured interviews with surveys. Purposive sampling targeted caregivers of a child who underwent heart surgery and was discharged with alternative enteral feeding access. A hybrid inductive-deductive methodology was used to analyse interview transcripts. Survey scores were compared to interview content for concordance. Fifteen interviews were conducted with socio-demographically diverse caregivers. Feeding difficulties were often identified as their greatest challenge, with the laborious feeding schedule, sleep deprivation, and tube management being common contributors. Most caregivers described feeling overwhelmed and worried. Time-intensive feeding schedules and lack of appropriate childcare options precluded caregivers' ability to work. Barriers to care included imperfect feeding education, proximity of specialist clinics, and issues with medical supply companies. Caregiver proposals for improved care addressed easing the transition home, improving emotional support mechanisms, and intensifying feeding therapy for expedited tube removal. This study describes the psychosocial toll on the caregiver, typical barriers to care, and ideas for improved provision of care. These themes and ideas can be used to advance the family-centered approach to feeding difficulties after heart surgery.

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