
AbstractFeedback effects by supernovae (SNe) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are believed to be essential for galaxy evolution and shaping present-day galaxies, but their exact mechanisms on galactic scales and their impact on CGM/IGM are not well understood yet. In galaxy formation simulations, it is still challenging to resolve sub-parsec scales, and we need to implement subgrid models to account for the physics on small scales. In this article, we summarize some of the efforts to build more physically based feedback models, discuss about pushing the resolution to its limits in galaxy simulations, testing galaxy formation codes under the AGORA code comparison project, and how to probe the impact of feedback using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations via Lyα absorption and CGM/IGM tomography technique. We also discuss our future directions of research in this field and how we make progress by comparing our simulations with observations.

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