
Feedback delivery and training have not been characterized in the context of academic cancer centres. The purpose of this study was to assess thefeasibility and utilityof amicrolearning coursebased on the R2C2 (Relationship, Reaction, Content, Coaching) feedback model and characterize multidisciplinary healthcare provider (HCP) perspectives on existing feedback practices inan academiccancer centre.FiveHCP (two radiation oncologists, one medical oncologist, and two allied healthprofessionals)with supervisoryroleswere selected by purposive sampling to participate in a prospective longitudinal qualitative study. Each participant completed a web-based multimedia course. Semi-structured one-on-one interviews were conducted with each participant at four time points: pre-and immediatelypost-course, and atone- and three-monthspost course. All participants found the course to betime feasible and completeditin 10-20min.Participants expressed that the course fulfilled their need for feedback training and that its adoption may normalize a feedback culture in the cancer centre. Three themes were identified regarding perceptions of existing feedback practices:(1)hierarchicaland interdisciplinaryrelationshipsmodulatefeedback delivery,(2)interest infeedback deliveryvariesby duration of the supervisory relationship, and(3)the transactionalityofsupervisor-traineerelationshipsinfluencesfeedback delivery. This study demonstrates the perceived feasibility and utility of a digital microlearning approach for development of feedback competencies in an academic cancer centre, perceptions of cultural barriers to feedback delivery, and the need for organizational commitment to developing a feedback culture.

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