
Introduction: Federalism's Janus Face Elke Cloots, Geert De Baere and Stefan Sottiaux PART I: FEDERALISM IN THE EU'S CONSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE 1. EU Federalism in 3-D Koen Lenaerts 2. Federalism and Jurisdiction Pavlos Eleftheriadis 3. Federalism, the EU and International Law: On the Possible (and Necessary) Role of Subsidiarity in Legitimate Multilevel Trade Governance Alexia Herwig 4. The Court of Justice as a Federal Constitutional Court: A Comparative Perspective Monica Claes and Maartje de Visser 5. The Dual System of Rights Protection in the European Union in Light of US Federalism Aida Torres Perez 6. Federalism and International Relations in the European Union and the United States: A Comparative Outlook Geert De Baere and Kathleen Gutman PART II: EU LAW AND MEMBER STATE FEDERALISM 7. European Ties that Bind: Political or Cultural? Helder De Schutter 8. Does EU Decision-Making Take into Account Regional Interests? Piet Van Nuffel 9. The Role of Sub-State Entities in the EU Decision-Making Processes: A Comparative Constitutional Law Approach Nikos Skoutaris 10. Autonomous Constitutional Regions in a Federal Europe Joxerramon Bengoetxea 11. The European Court of Justice and the Devolution of Taxation Powers Suzanne Kingston 12. The Impact of EU Law on the Devolution of Social Powers in the Member States Herwig Verschueren 13. EU Law and Language Regulation in (Quasi-)Federal Member States Elke Cloots and Stefan Sottiaux 14. The European Court of Justice and Member State Federalism: Balancing or Categorisation? Elke Cloots 15. The Impact of 'Regional Blindness' on the Italian Regional State Giuseppe Martinico 16. The Spanish State Structure and EU Law: The View of the Spanish Constitutional Court Maite Zelaia Garagarza 17. Economic and Monetary Union: Caught between Brussels and Luxembourg? The Influence of EU Law on Belgian Federalism Case Law Stef Feyen

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