
I Consider it an honor to be invited as a representative of the War Production Board to speak briefly on a subject that is of vital interest, namely, the supply and demand of x-ray equipment. I shall not confuse you with a discussion of the operations of the War Production Board, though I do wish to point out that what seems to some to be red tape, unnecessary restriction, and painful control, is in reality a logical procedure, coordinated with the many parts of a vast production effort. We are concerned with two related parts of that effort: you with the practice of radiology; the War Production Board with seeing to it that the radiological needs of the civilian population are served as effectively as is consistent with the requirements of the Armed Forces and the availability of scarce materials. The chief instrument governing this relationship is X-Ray Equipment Limitation Order L-206. In the development of that order, the War Production Board had the advice of the outstanding figures in the x-ray indu...

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