
The article presents the main results of a study of scientific, methodological and substantive support for additional professional education of the leaders and teachers of the preschool educational organization on the implementation of federal educational program in the context of the requirements of actual legislation, which are pedagogical innovation for the practice of managing preschool education of the Russian Federation. The authors indicate the problems identified during the analysis of requests and professional difficulties of the leading and pedagogical workers of the preschool educational organization conducted by the Department of Preschool Education in the process of implementing the programs of additional professional education of the heads of preschool educational organization in the context of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, taking into account the Federal Law 304-FL and changes in the federal educational standard of preschool education. As a tool, diagnostic maps presented in the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation were used. The results of the activities of the department of preschool education on the organizational and methodological support of the practice of developing educational programs of preschool educational organizations are also reflected. As a methodological support of work with children-foreigners, an additional general development program “Russian Language as a Native” was proposed at the innovative sites of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The article presents the partial programs of preschool children developed and implemented in the practice of kindergartens of the Russian Federation: the partial program of spiritual and moral education of children is 5–7 years old “with a pure heart” (published by the Russian Word publishing house, posted in the federal register of educational programs of preschool Education in 2019), the partial program of the patriotic education of children 5–7 years old “Glory will not remain silentˮ. The content of the program is aimed at developing childrenʼs ideas about the Russian army, historical exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland and the education of moral-patriotic feelings and qualities of a person of an older preschool child.

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