
Weakly acid polymers with pH-responsive solubility are being used with increasing frequency in amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) formulations of drugs with low aqueous solubility. However, drug release and crystallization in a pH environment where the polymer is insoluble are not well understood. The aim of the current study was to develop ASD formulations optimized for release and supersaturation longevity of a rapidly crystallizing drug, pretomanid (PTM), and to evaluate a subset of these formulations in vivo. Following screening of several polymers for their ability to inhibit crystallization, hypromellose acetate succinate HF grade (HPMCAS-HF; HF) was selected to prepare PTM ASDs. In vitro release studies were conducted in simulated fasted- and fed-state media. Drug crystallization in ASDs following exposure to dissolution media was evaluated by powder X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and polarized light microscopy. In vivo oral pharmacokinetic evaluation was conducted in male cynomolgus monkeys (n = 4) given 30 mg PTM under both fasted and fed conditions in a crossover design. Three HPMCAS-based ASDs of PTM were selected for fasted-state animal studies based on their in vitro release performance. Enhanced bioavailability was observed for each of these formulations relative to the reference product that contained crystalline drug. The 20% drug loading PTM-HF ASD gave the best performance in the fasted state, with subsequent dosing in the fed state. Interestingly, while food improved drug absorption of the crystalline reference product, the exposure of the ASD formulation was negatively impacted. The failure of the HPMCAS-HF ASD to enhance absorption in the fed state was hypothesized to result from poor release in the reduced pH intestinal environment resulting from the fed state. In vitro experiments confirmed a reduced release rate under lower pH conditions, which was attributed to reduced polymer solubility and an enhanced crystallization tendency of the drug. These findings emphasize the limitations of in vitro assessment of ASD performance using standardized media conditions. Future studies are needed for improved understanding of food effects on ASD release and how this variability can be captured by in vitro testing methodologies for better prediction of in vivo outcomes, in particular for ASDs formulated with enteric polymers.

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