
The fecundity of the langoustineMetanephrops mozambicusMacpherson, 1990 was investigated using egg-bearing females caught in commercial trawls off eastern South Africa. A generalized linear model (GLM) framework was used to assess fecundity and egg diameter relative to langoustine carapace length (CL) and egg developmental stage. Fecundity ranged from 407 to 1606 eggs per clutch, increased with increasing CL and decreased between egg stages 1 and 4. Egg diameter increased significantly between stages 1 and 4 and larger females carried larger eggs. Egg loss during incubation was estimated at 10%. Four egg stages used during field sampling were re-examined and illustrated. A late stage embryo removed from an egg about to hatch appeared to be adapted to a benthic, rather than natatory existence.

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