
No abstract available. Manuscript truncated after 150 words. Clinical History: A 46-year-old woman presented to her primary care physician with longstanding complaints of difficulty with aerobic exercise, near syncope, headache, poor sleep, and pain in both legs and arms, exacerbated when flying in commercial aircraft. The patient had also complained of several gastrointestinal disturbances recently that prompted evaluation, revealing a normal colonoscopy. The patient was diagnosed with probable food intolerance by breath testing showing fructose intolerance, managed with a low fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAP) diet with positive results. PMH, SH, FH: The patient’s past medical history was remarkable for a history of Raynaud’s phenomenon and head trauma at age 16. She noted that her presenting complaints have been present since childhood to some extent. Her poor sleep was characterized as frequent awakenings, daytime somnolence, mouth dryness, and waking up with severe headaches. The patient had been diagnosed with COVID-19 4 months earlier, with her presenting …

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